
Hi! My name is Donna and I’m so happy you’re here!


I am a mother to three wonderful grown up kids, a wife to a superhero, a dreamer, an adventurer, an artist and a storyteller. I find inspiration in my deep connection with nature and am in the midst of creating my very own real life fairy tale in a beautiful magic forest. I carry a camera to capture it all.

Photography for me is so much more than a passion or a business, it’s a way of life. From the first moment that I looked through a lens many years ago, I began to see differently and more intimately than before. With camera in hand, I learned to focus on the beauty of everyday, document relationships, celebrate milestones, and tell stories with a deep sense of gratitude. Through my lens, moments become miracles and the only way to describe that is pure magic!

Life in Focus Studio was born to share the magic that I see, capture, and create. Through custom portrait sessions, it’s an honor to bring joy to others with what has become so special and important to me.

Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you’ll visit often and enjoy seeing magic along with me.

Welcome to Life in Focus Studio!

